Reflexology and Acupressure are ancient healing arts that use the power and sensitivity of thumb, finger, and hand techniques to gradually press key points, which in turn stimulate the body's natural self-curative abilities. Acupressure involves the whole body, and Reflexology primarily involves the feet and hands. These therapies are particularly effective in the relief of stress-related ailments. Our techniques not only help to relax your over-stressed system, but they also aid in the circulation of blood, lymph, and cerebral spinal fluid throughout the tissues. They relax, strengthen, and cleanse the structural and soft tissues of the body. Our various techniques offer a wide range of possibilities for restoring well-being, both during a time of illness and for maintaining health.
• 4136 Dowlen Rd Beaumont, TX 77706
(Next to Norman's Shoes)
• 4391 Calder Ave Beaumont, TX 77706
(Next to Seafood Lover)
• 3100 Hwy365 #19 Central Mall Port Arthur, TX 77642
(Near the Theater)
• 1417 S Hwy 69, Port Arthur, TX 77642
(Behind the Schooner Restaurant)
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